Ancestral Whispers

Category: Apparel

The inspiration behind Ancestral Whispers   The essence of this project is rooted within the symbiotic relationship that humans have with nature and the importance of sustainable practices and conscious choices.    Trees embody the spirits of the land and carry the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors. These ancient beings are deeply connected with all that is through an underground network of living and being organisms. Trees live in communities and develop symbiotic connections with each other and collaborate in order to thrive and live in harmony and balance. Nature is the foundation of our existence and we are deeply connected to it, the same way we are all connected and intertwined with each other. Twisting, Knotting and Draping originated from observing the roots and branches of trees and how they intertwine with each other, creating a beautiful tapestry around the tree trunk.   Trees branches extend to the sky, while trees roots grow deep into the soil creating a link between the spiritual wold and the Earth, symboling the connection between all things. A tree sprouts from a seed, grows roots and branches out ever-expanding through its life-time giving life to the next generation to begin mirroring to us the continuity through all generations and how important it is to preserve, protect and respect the practices and wise traditions that were transmitted through lineages for many generations.  Inspired by women, community and nature the style and cut of garments juxtapose between sharp and structural lines from tailoring and corsetry and the fluidity and drapery of dresses and skirts. Elegant cuts designed to flow and express the freedom of movement, and twisted panels representing ancient trees wrapping around the womb.   This very feeling of togetherness, community, sharing, connecting and weaving the world back to its true essence of creation is the message I wish to pass on by sharing the importance of remembering our ancient practices by reconnecting with Mother Nature and ourselves in order to create better communities and inspire the world to become more conscious and aware of their choices and actions.   By understanding how damaging and un-ethical the fashion industry is to our planet and to those involved in the supply chain , I became more conscious about my choices and the power that each individual has on positively impacting the planet. Recognising the complexity, patience, and time-consuming labour that goes into the craft provides us with a different view of our clothes. Clothes crafted with love are far more than just commodities that can be easily discarded and replaced since we are connected to a face, an artisan, a community, or a culture.