Silent suffocation

Category: Apparel

Motivated by the devastating impact of deforestation and habitat loss, this fashion project explores the theme of "silent suffocation" on our planet's health. Drawing inspiration from tree stumps, symbolising the life lost through deforestation, I incorporated draped twists in my designs to evoke feelings of constriction, exposure, and struggle for growth. Executing these ideas through creative pattern cutting, with the support of digital software being central to my sustainable design process. Recognising the importance of materiality, this project emphasises the use of biodegradable materials, specifically goat fibre from my family's farm. This choice appeals to consumers who want to drive change through localisation and invest in fashion pieces with a story that empowers the environment. By purchasing these designs, people feel they are contributing to a meaningful cause. This project blends fashion with a strong environmental message, advocating for sustainable practices, circularity, and the preservation of natural habitats. Additionally, through the materiality I embrace traditional farming and craftsmanship that consequently supports nature recovery. Ignited by the pressing impact of climate change, this project aims to become part of the solution, merging innovative design with ecological responsibility.