Security Bag

Category: Accessories

This project is inspired by my own feelings of insecurity while walking on the streets. There are two main sources of this unease. Firstly, I'm the type of person who needs to have my hands doing something while walking, whether it's putting them in my pockets or holding something. If I don't, I feel uneasy and don't know how to naturally swing my arms. Secondly, there's street crime, especially in London, where there are at least hundreds of incidents of robbery and pickpocketing every day. I've witnessed incidents happening right in front of me multiple times and have even nearly fallen victim myself on several occasions. This has led to me constantly feeling on edge while walking, clutching my bag tightly and feeling extremely anxious even when using my phone. To alleviate these long-standing concerns, I aim to design a tote bag that combines practicality with protective measures (self-defence, anti-robbery/pickpocketing) for daily use.