Dwelling Memories
Category: Footwear
Competitions: Fashion Competition 2024
'Dwelling Memories' is a poetic exploration of Rachelle’s Phenomenological Perspective of Nostalgia, an investigative study of my personal lived experiences that gave meaning to my cherished memories and how they have shaped my sense of belonging in this world, no matter where I am at. Drawing inspiration from the things I love, constantly dwell upon and get drawn to like architecture, transparent objects and film photography. I aim to visually translate the nostalgic emotion and represent the amalgamation of outcomes brought about by the exploration into tangible and wearable footwear, as a means to seek comfort in times of distress and help motivate me to move forward in my life. Materials used in this project informs the various specific outcomes of my nostalgic phenomenological perspective exploration. They include custom printed soft lenticular material, silk organza, bio-based resin, mycelium grown on hemp, eco-grain oiled leather and eco no-oil recycled rubber sole...