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Rebecca Karenin

Carmarthan School of Art

Textile Design BA / BFA

It has been the greatest adventure for me doing a degree in Textiles. I have always had a longing to find my creative voice. I live with my three children who are now growing up fast, and leaving me with a modicum of time that I pack as full as I can with artistic activities. I live in Pembrokesire, at the foot of the Precili hills. I have a chat with the hills on my run everyday. I ran everyday of the pandemic. We had a lot to chat about. These hills have informed my work, along with the trees and the coastline. I have lived in the West Country most of my life, sometimes so close to the sea you could smell the salt, but here by the hills is where I am home now. With quite a bit of life behind me, I've now arrived at a new exciting chapter. The narritave of life is often quoted in regards to thread. Sustainability and care has to be at the very heart of everyting we do, as it should always be. I use only sustainable and recycled materiels. Wood and fibre combine in my peices creating works that calm and shooth and reconnect. My peices resonate with the grand journey of life, they are deeply satisfying to make. I am currently halfway through my second year doing a BAhons degree part time in Textiles.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.