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john Klif


Fashion Design BFA

I have a very strong passion for fashion, I started sketching when I was 13. I had no idea how to sketch and I would see people do circles to draw figures, but that confused me, so I found my own way and it worked. My year 8 Arts teacher would critique my sketches during lunch and with each critique I challenged myself to create something new and I would see familiar designs on runways time after, which made me extremely excited to sketch more. I attended an illustration workshop at Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia back in 2021 when I was still in High School and that was when I met the owner of Whitehouse. After hearing her story, I made it my goal to be one of her students. Subsequently, I was given the opportunity to complete a certificate III at VET course Whitehouse during the holidays, which I immediately accepted. This was during covid, and I was doing online classes rather than mainstream for high school. I wanted to hasten my acceptance at Whitehouse, so I applied for a Bachelor of Visual Culture at Curtin University, which meant I had to leave High School and the certificate ||| after completing a trimester there and at 16 years of age I transferred to Whitehouse. Currently I’m in my final year at Whitehouse and interning for Akira Isogawa.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.