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Hannah Andergassen

NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Fashion Design BFA

I grew up in Norther Italy in the valleys of the Dolomites. My fashion journey started in Austria. After interning for half a year at the studio of Antwerp based fashion designer Florentina Leitner, I decided to complete my BA degree at NABA, Milan. Inspired by the cities I lived in I developed an eclectic style that merges the conceptual with the commercial and is rounded up by an aesthetic that operates outside of binary gender norms. Combining heritage with craftsmanship and contemporary design practices has become core part of my philosophy.


Category: Accessories

Competitions: Fashion

The project NESTING is a psychogeographical meditation that dwells on my return to my rural hometown after graduating from university and building a life in the city - all while exploring the techniques of traditional alpine straw craft. Trying to feel less alienated from the region I grew up in on my return, and coming from a background in fashion and textiles, I immersed myself in the traditional straw craft that is both typical of my region and at the same time in danger of being forgotten. To this day, the straw - rye straw is the raw material - has to be harvested by hand to avoid damage, making it an ideal sustainable fiber. NESTING attempts to capture the struggles and alienation that creatives and graduates like myself often face when returning to their rural hometowns. It also explores the eeriness and mystique that the countryside seems to hold in the collective unconsciousness. Perhaps my generation is no stranger to the unsettling feelings that come with witnessing our planet become an increasingly hostile place. Suddenly, while we are painfully aware that there is no Planet B, the idea of aliens no longer sounds so threatening, but rather feeds into some kind of romantic escapism. NESTING confronts the constant psychological drive to create and find a home with a tone that ranges from the autobiographical to the ironic, but always honors sustainable practices so that our home planet can remain a home after all.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.