AMBER GRAIN EMBROIDERY | Growing folklore elements
Category: Apparel
Competitions: Fashion Competition 2024
AMBER GRAIN EMBROIDERY | Growing folklore elements Root-based materials, wool waste fibers, natural colours & advanced technologies The biodesign approach for fabricating textiles using root-based materials is explored in my final project for my Postgraduate in Fabricademy. I experimented with different types of grain seeds, growing media, patterns, and environments. As a designer, I act as a cultivator who collaborates with nature to control and cultivate material properties. I am cultivating textile-like materials from wheatgrass and barley seeds. Wheatgrass and barley grains are ideal for root structures due to their dense fibrous root systems and fine root hairs that create binding friction. Additionally, I discovered various post-processing techniques, such as colouring, changing flexibility, and applying biodegradable coatings. The Amber Grain Embroidery project is the culmination of my research. It is a speculative piece that considers the use of materials in traditional techniques, digital fabrication, and collaboration with nature. It also demonstrates the potential applications in clothing. The project aims to design bio-folklore costumes featuring elements made of wheat and barley roots. Raw wool is used as a binding agent. The root embroideries are complemented by dried grass and pressed material from seeds. The costumes are inspired by traditional Slovak and Czech folklore costumes, symbolizing the importance of grain as a vital source of livelihood and material wealth. VIMEO Link: Web Link: