Ankhmaa Batchuluun
University of the Arts London
MA Designer Maker
My background is in business and entrepreneurship. Seeing the impacts of fast fashion on the cashmere industry in Mongolia prompted me to start my own brand in 2020. Searching for "sustainable" fibres and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Mongolia, brought me to sourcing directly from the nomadic herders in Southgobi. Dealing directly with the people made me aware of the human rights risks, so in 2022 and 2023 I have participated in United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum and got training for "RBHR Due Diligence Guidance" by UNDP. In an attempt to find solutions, I organised meetings of likeminded professionals from various sectors such as sustainability consultants, scientist, lawyers. Ultimately, my realisation of the current system-a result of all stakeholders involved made me come back to school to learn about how to design better material systems and goods with focus on natural fibres.