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Manon Wuchner

Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique


Hello, I am Manon Wuchner a 21year old french design student at l'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique. I obtained 2023 my Bachelor's in product design followed by a master's in Food design. I also had an Erasmus experience where I studied jewelry design at the Arts University Plymouth. Designing jewelry is the field I want to pursue as I fell in love with this domain. I particularly like working with wood and metal promoting artisanal work. I am very manual and find the connection with the materials and products important. I mainly create my products of the moment expressing what goes through my mind while making it, giving unique products modified by moods and envies. I am a creative abstract person exploring the limits of what a person is comfortable wearing in public.

Working with our partners at Arts Thread to develop lifelong learning and career opportunities for students of fashion and design. Our partnership provides the opportunity to compete on a world stage, participate in industry led workshops, set up an outstanding portfolio and gain access to the resources that will kickstart careers in fashion and design.